Scott Spradling

Scott Spradling has specialized in private and non-profit healthcare administration since 1999 and has been a Private Practice Physical Therapy Administrator since 2010. Scott is board certified through the American College of Medical Practice Executives. Prior to 1998, he was a diagnostic manager and medic in several facilities based in Texas, including the United States Air Force (USAF) Wilford Hall Medical Center at Lackland Air Force Base.
Scott is a veteran of the United States Air Force and attended the University of Texas at San Antonio and the USAF School of Healthcare Sciences. Scott is the current President-Elect of the Washington State Medical Managers Association, and serves as the Chairperson of the APTA Private Practice Section’s Administrators Network, as well he sits on a number of healthcare related committees both state and nationally.
Scott is a native of the Pacific Northwest and resides in the south sound area with his spouse Erki and his two basset hounds Bentley and Jasper. Scott enjoys the outdoors, camping, traveling, and the multitude of DIY projects that owning a home brings.​